Pricing Guide

In an effort to make Tree Frog Permaculture financially sustainable so I can keep up the good work full time; the following describes the current pricing arrangements.

Site Inspection (Usually 2-4 hrs)Including Prep, consult, travel. Includes on-the-spot sketch/plan.$120/hr
Consulting/EducationOn-site advice/planning, Workshops etc.$120/hr
Permaculture design workResearched concept design approx. 5-10 hrs. In-depth Permaculture design takes significantly longer. Design times influenced by system complexity and size of property.$95/hr
Physical LabourDesign implementation, Permaculture/productive garden maintenance etc.$95/hr
Travel AllowanceVehicle maintenance/fuel etc.~$1.00/km (outside 20km from Newcastle)

* Materials and resources required for implementation and maintenance invoiced on top.
* Community gardens and other community groups are eligible for discounted rates.
* If you don’t feel like you can afford my services, I’m open to negotiation and we may be able to come to some agreement.

2 thoughts on “Pricing Guide”

  1. Suzanne Reaney

    Hello Lachlan,

    We’ve met various times and places and I think you would remember me by sight. The other day my friends Heather and Stuart Carter from Macquarie HIlls invited me over to show me their new enviro-friendly extension, solar set-up and garden. I also was impressed by their veggie garden and they told me they’d employed you to help with it.

    I need some help with my whole garden because of my increasingly limiting physical ailments although don’t have much money. It will overtake me if I don’t have help so wondered if you would come to Cardiff South and what you would charge to advise on/ do what it needs.
    I have horticultural/permie training and since moving her 3 yrs ago have begun designing and planting a slightly awkward area.

    Look forward to hearing from you,
    Suzanne Reaney

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Oh dear! So sorry about the very belated reply. Have so much going on and so many versions of correspondence to check that I havn’t logged in here for ages. If in the future you dont hear from me, email or phone are more immediate contact methods. 🙂
      I can of coarse come and give you some assistance. If cost is prohibitive can help with design/consult then get a cheaper ‘hand’ to help with the Physical stuff. It is up to you!
      Anyway, send me your phone number and i’ll give you a call for a chat.
      Tree Frog Permaculture
      0403 903 973

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