Lachlan Storrie (of Tree Frog Permaculture) is an enthusiastic character set out to spread his knowledge about Permaculture and Sustainability. Lachlan’s background is in Biology and Ecology, having accomplished a degree in Biology at Newcastle University and two years experience doing postgraduate research in the area of Amphibian Conservation Biology.
Around 13 years ago, concern with agricultural sustainability and food security coupled with love of gardening and the dire need for better conservation of nature brought me to the holistic philosophy of Permaculture. Since then, I undertook my Permaculture Design Certificate under Tom Toogood and began to educate and assist people to work with nature in growing their own healthy organic produce.
Tree Frog Permaculture now engages in consulting, garden designs, talks and workshops, and the establishment and maintenance of sustainable garden systems. It is a ranging service, based in the Lower Hunter, Central Coast and surrounding areas.
You don’t necessarily need to be into Permaculture or growing your own food to receive the multitude of benefits from gardening. Gardens can be used to help improve your immediate living environment both aesthetically and functionally, shelter from weather extremes, house energy savings, privacy and noise screening and the list goes on. So many of the world’s problems can be solved in a garden!
The grand vision for Tree Frog Permaculture is to provide people with the assistance, inspiration and empowerment they need to garden with confidence at whatever level suits them with emphasis on sustainable living. Every client and garden site is unique so a well-tailored, flexible service is necessary. You may want to set up a hobby farm or just grow some herbs on a balcony, all paths lead to a better connection with the environment that supports us and access to the resulting benefits.
It is possibly this connection to nature that I enjoy the most about my job, seeing people’s eyes light up as they experience wonder at how the natural world works and how we can support and use these functions in our own life systems. It brings an immense sense of satisfaction knowing that every little thing we accomplish is another step towards healthy, environmentally conscious living and a better future for current and oncoming generations.
Call now to get Lachie round to your garden!
Phone 0403 903 973 or email treefrogpermaculture@gmail.com
Hi guys
Was good to meet you both at the Fair Share Festival. Am drumming up support for a workshop at our Community Garden, possibly early December?
Now I think you need to add my blog to your blog roll here!
Speak soon.